EACG in 50 words

Since 2004 EACG supports its customers in transforming IT into competitive advantage. Back then EACG organized large e-Commerce solutions and media portals. Today the main focus is on IoT and Cloud migration.

EACG consultants serve in the role of architects. They conceptualize all kind of SaaS-solutions and, if wanted, deliver them also as turnkey solutions.

EACG – with its subsidiary EOS – is an AWS consulting partners and reseller.

Clients of EACG comprise Deutschen Bahn, Deutschen Börse or Deutsche Bank as well as GEA or more midsize companies such as Claas, Testo or Haufe-Lexware. Also some of the most promising startups such as creditshelf or Slidepresenter rely on EACG’s architectures and AWS expertise.

EACG – Mission Statement

Clients consider the engagememt of EACG Consultants whenever they want to get rid of a topic. Our aim is to achieve the goal identified at the beginning of the engagement with as few as possible but as much as required attention from our clients.

Clients of EACG comprise Deutschen Bahn, Deutschen Börse or Deutsche Bank as well as GEA or more midsize companies such as Claas, Testo or Haufe-Lexware. Also some of the most promising startups such as creditshelf or Slidepresenter rely on EACG’s architectures and AWS expertise.

EACG – Value Proposition

Wir helfen unseren Kunden, IT mit anderen Augen zu sehen. Anstelle eines nötigen Übels verändern wir die Wahrnehmung hin zum Business Enabler. Höhere Flexibilität durch schlankere Prozesse, geringere Reaktionszeiten durch ausgereifte Architekturen oder Senkung der Mittelbindung in den Wartungsbudgets sind typische Arbeitsergebnisse.


Wir legen die Karten auf den Tisch. Unsere Kunden können ihre Projekte jederzeit online einsehen und den aktuellen Status abrufen.

Small Teams

Wir bevorzugen es in kleinen Teams zu arbeiten und die hausinternen Kräfte in unsere Arbeit einzubinden.


Wir verstehen uns als Coach und Mentor unserer Kunden und sehen die Weiterentwicklung der Mitarbeiter vor Ort als Bestandteil unserer Aufgabe.


Wir übernehmen gerne die Verantwortung für die Umsetzung unserer Lösungsvorschläge und Konzepte. Dabei unterstützen wir unsere Kunden bei der Suche nach benötigten finanziellen, menschlichen oder fachlichen Ressourcen.


Wir verstehen uns als Unternehmer und akzeptieren gerne unternehmerische Konzepte der Vergütung. Gerne teilen wir Erfolg und Risiko mit unseren Kunden.

Innovation requires creativity, discipline and energy

We believe, that innvoation rarely occurs due to sudden inspiration. In general innovations are achieved through a lot of structured, analytic and hard work. This requires creativity, discipline and a lot of courage and energy to drive it form idea to reality.

Interested? Feel invited contacting us. We are always keen to meet interesting people.

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We stand for our value proposition!

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We live innovation - our subsidiaries

ASCAMSO is a Cloud service Rating Agency. It allows even less technical people to make sound sourcing decisions in the cloud service area. Based on an extensive elaborated set of criteria, ASCAMSO is rating SaaS services.

Clients may ask for individual assessments or purchase already provided assessments. This reduces purchase expenses and improves purchase decisions.

TRUSTSOURCE is a SaaS solution to automate and support open source risk management.

By integrating in the build process, documentation is auto-generated across all components including transitive dependencies. All open source components will be identified and verified against a central component repository. This is assembled from crawling the internet for component data. Based on a legal solver the legal obligations are determined and compliance artifacts will be generated.

Thus allowing a handful of Compliance managers to oversee hundrets of development projects.

EACG OPERATIONS SERVICES GmbH (EOS) operates Solutions on the AWS cloud. It is the optimal partner, to bring your SaaS alive.

AWS as well as our many years of project expertise as well as the operational knowhow from operating the own solutions allow an efficient and effective almost immediate launch on a global basis. EOS stands for Infrastructure as Code.

Our highly organized procedures, the zero downtime, zero maintenance architectures allow us to operate systems at a minimal invest in time and resources.

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