About EACG
Digital Business Design
Cyber Security
Enterprise Integration Services
Cloud Solutions
Open Source Consulting
Digital Architectures
Architecture review prevents huge program from failure
Projekt zur Erneuerung einer Alt-Software zeigt trotz intensiver Investitionen und externer Beratung keine vorzeigbaren Resultate
Budget-Forecast zur Fertigstellung verdoppelt sich quartalsweise bis in den achtstelligen Bereich
Gegenüber Geschäftspartnern mussten bereits Zusagen über die Verfügbarkeit zurückgezogen werden
Organization is under pressure by the huge amount of external consultants requiring support and direction
Legacy systems operate partly in critical circumstances, operational alarms dominate the daily work
Conceptualization of the new, SAP based solution is in blue printing phase for several years already, but relevant decisions remain open
Program shall replace all infrastructure with a big bang
Solution approach
Constructive analysis of current solution approach
Intense Analysis of business requirements
Open communication of visions and ideas to development and product management teams creates buy-in
Design and development of an architecture vision and a corresponding target architecture following requirements
Compilation of a compact management report sumarizing the findings and communication to the board
Customer benefits
It became obvious that some major aspects for a sound re-conceptualization have been missing
A re-design of the program has been launched
Savings of several mil EUR
Prevented the rollout of a misleading concept and system design, which would have caused serious competitive disadvantage
You are facing a complex technical situation and require transparency?
Contact us now!
Architecture review P4P program
by jTh
Platform analysis at Haufe Lexware
by jTh
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