EACG - your partner for your digital transformation
Digital Transformation
Cloud Strategy & Migration
Enterprise Architecture & Integration
Flexible integration solutions as key digital enabler
"If you want to build architectures for digitalisation, you can't avoid flexible integration solutions", Jan Thielscher , Managing Partner EACG
Value networks are becoming increasingly variable. The number of connections to third-party companies is growing. This increases the demands for flexible data provision both inside and outside the company. Can I still give credit to the customer / supplier? Is the experience good enough for the new deal? What about parts supply? Can an additional product still be procured? Many questions that need to be answered quickly and precisely. This creates high demands on integration. Companies with flexible, tidy architectures will have the edge here.
IOT in the barn – Cattle Management for GEA
“EACG opened us the door into the Internet of Things with the FarmNet-integration. The focused and motivated engagement of the EACG team allowed us to enter this field of technology within few months only.”
Elmar Nieswand, Head of Software, GEA Farm Technologies
Otto Group – e-Business Architecture
“EACG supported us in developing the eCommerce target architecture. The results as well as the project drove our insight into our own processes, so that we could derive valuable new perspectives.”
Harm Behrens, Leiter B2C-Systeme Otto Group
DAM – Architecture Development
“EACG developed an Enterprise Architecture for us. I was surprised by the fast and in-depth understanding of our business processes and the clear suggesstions for our architecture.”
Frank Dupuis, Managing Partner Dupuis Asset Management
Haufe – Architecture Review
“We had the challenge to take operational responsibility for several platforms in a short period of time. EACG supported us with an architecture analysis to understand the risks associated. EACG impressed me with its systematic but stil üpragmatic solutiona approach. The results have built a new starting point for architectural understanding.”
Jürgen Thoma, CIO Haufe Lexware
Big data / DWH solution for leading e-Commerce provider
"EACG supported us to understand the limitations of our current analytics system. They helped us to cope with our upcoming Big Data challenge. I very much appreciate the technical and business expertise of the EACG-Team."
Dirk Lauber, Managing director empiriecom (IT service group of Baur)

Want to learn where others go?
How do you expect your company to earn money in a few years from now?
Where will the digital travel lead?
Publications and Statements
Interface Operations
EACG,Enterprise Integration,Service
You may choose to hand operations of your interfaces to EACG Integration Operations in different Service Levels.
Interface Test
Service,EACG,Enterprise Integration
Integration testing requires a high degree of automation to allow fast adoptability and short cycle times.
Interface Development
EACG,Enterprise Integration,Service
EACG interface development builds on skilled resources and EACG best practice Guidelines.
Interface Design
EACG,Enterprise Integration,Service
Integration Design is executed by Integration Architects in coordination with Developments teams.
Project Management
EACG,Enterprise Integration,Service
Integration Project Management requires special skills to cope with the specific characteristic of integration projects.
Integration Consulting
EACG,Enterprise Integration,Service
Enterprise integration consulting is part of enterprise architecture development and includes, among other things, the selection and definition of enterprise APIs, interface roadmap development
Mastering Digital Transformation
Mastering Digital Transformation - the ebook! A focussed summary of concepts, do's & don'ts of 20 yrs experience with digital change

Mastering Digital Transformation (ISBN 978-3-9816864-1-8)
In diesem eBook geben die Autoren Erfahrungen aus 20 Jahren Digitalisierung
in unterschiedlichen Industrien wider, beleuchten die vielen Facetten,
die das Thema so komplex machen und stellen Lösungsansätze vor bzw. weisen
auf typische Fallstricke hin, die man bei einer erfolgreichen Umsetzung kennen sollte.
Dabei ist das Buch keine unidirektionale Sendeveranstaltung. Es ist die Einladung
zu einem Dialog und wächst mit der Zeit. Lesen und diskutieren Sie mit anderen Lesern
Get the eBook

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